Snoring And Sleep Apnea

Snoring & Sleep Apnea

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  • Snoring can be a real problem not only for the person who snores but for the partner and other family members who live with snorer.
  • Dentist can help providing the solution for the more restful night’s sleep.
  • Silent nite is a custom fabricated dental appliance which helps to move the lower jaw in a slightly forward position opens up space in the airway tube and makes special side links connectors are attached to transparent breathing flexible upper and lower splints; it is comfortable, easier. Fits very good and allows uninhibited oral breathing.
  • What is Sleep Apnea?
    Sleep Apnea is a serious potentially life threatening sleep disorders that affects approximately 18 million Americans. It refers to episodes in which a person stops breathing for 10 secs or more during sleep. With each episode a person’s brain briefly wakes up in order to resume breathing resulting in poor quality of sleep.
  • Symptoms of Sleep Apnea:-Snoring Appliance
  • Morning headaches
  • Excessive daytime sleepiness.
  • Irritability and impaired mental or emotional functions.
  • Excessive snoring, gasping during sleep.
  • Insomnia
  • Awakening with a dry mouth/soar throat
  • If left untreated Sleep Apnea can lead to high blood pressure, heart attack, even stroke.
  • Dentist need to work closely with your physician to implement prescribed therapy, overnight sleep study which measures the heart rate and how many times breathing is interrupted during sleep.

The EMA (Elastic Mandibular Advancement) is a custom made removable appliance for treatment of obstructive sleep Apnea. It is designed to both advance the lower jaw and open the bite to enable less restricted airflow during sleep.

EMA appliance help to promote a deeper more restful sleep.

TAP(Thornton Adjustable Positioner) is appliance which opens up the airway, it hold the lower jaw in a forward position, maintaining clear airway to reduce snoring and improve breathing.