Removable Orthodontic Appliance

Removable Orthodontic Appliance

Unlike fixed braces, Removable Orthodontic Appliance braces have to be taken out to be cleaned and treatments such as Invisalign are worn 20-22 hours a day. The patient is required to be strict with these timings, as if they are surpassed, the treatment can be jeopardised.
Removable Orthodontic Appliance
Removable appliances are easier to clean as it can be taken out in order to clean between the nooks and crannies where bacteria and food is likely to build up. You can also still enjoy the foods that you like, so long as you remove your brace.

Removable appliances work by simple tipping movements of the crowns of the teeth about a fulcrum close to the middle of the tooth. They also allow differential eruption of teeth, for example by using bite planes. They differ from fixed appliances, which are capable of complex movements of multiple teeth, including bodily movement, root torque and rotation.

Instructions For Patients With Removable Orthodontic Appliance

Worn 24 hrs per day


  • Remove for cleaning appliance
  • Remove for brushing teeth
  • Remove for active sports and swimming.

Upon Insertion:

  • Amount of Saliva increased
  • Difficulty Speaking for a few days
  • Clean appliance with a Brush.
  • Put in proper case when not in mouth.
  • Never wrap in Kleenex.
  • Keep Away from pets.

Appointment :

Once per month. OR as prescribed by Dr.

Adjustment by Parent:

  • One turn twice per week,
  • Wednesday and Saturday.
  • Keep the record.

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